It’s the time of the year when food manufacturers and distributors try to maximise their returns – the festive season is upon us.

Ongoing disruptions to the supply chain are one the biggest issue many food manufacturers and distributors face. What was once a fairly simple process has now become a challenging process. Some of the issues facing companies include shortages of transport and delivery services, as well as reduced staffing levels.

In addition, the public is concerned about their health and well-being and has changed their shopping habits. As consumers prepare to celebrate, as they indulge in festive foods and platters with their loved ones, they don’t want to be disappointed by less-than-fresh products. Perhaps it’s time to improve your festive season processes in food distribution.

How COVID-19 has impacted our processes

Traditionally across the country, many large food manufacturers and distributors supplying wholesale and retail seafood would be preparing for sale marathons lasting up to 72 hours before Christmas Day. But ongoing COVID-19 restrictions means can events limited. This affects consumer demand, the freshness of products and the ability for food manufacturers and distributors to deliver the desired service to their customers.

Food manufacturers and distributors have never faced issues like this before. For many companies, the rules keep changing, and it’s a constant battle to keep up with new regulations. However, businesses that have adopted automated systems, new technology and improved processes will be the companies that will benefit the most in these uncertain times. They may even take the market share of their competitors. Consumers looking for the freshest seafood with the most efficient services may look elsewhere for better products with improved delivery services.

Regardless of the products and services your business provides, all food manufacturers and distributors should take the opportunity to adopt new systems and technologies, which will in turn improve the customer experience.

Acacia can help your business implement automated systems, such as:

  • Home delivery services
  • Pre-booking time slots
  • Online ordering
  • Restriction of access
  • Automated payment systems

At Acacia, we are MYOB Advanced Platinum Partners with over 30 years of experience in providing ERP, CRM and integrated solutions to businesses across Australia. We help businesses optimise, automate and improve traceability. Acacia has the knowledge and experience across a range of businesses to provide the most cost-effective solution for your business. If you are interested in talking through the advantages of moving to a cloud-based ERP, please contact us to find out more.