COVID-19 has affected business across Australia, particularly those in food manufacturing and distribution. Produce farmers are facing massive staff shortages due to the impact of COVID-19 and the availability of seasonal backpacker workers.

The Australian Fresh Produce Alliance predicts massive workforce shortages, with international borders limiting travelling worker visas, as well as the requirement of digital vaccine passports, the fresh produce industry needs to brace itself for ongoing labour shortages.

With the current shortage of workers, competitors that adopt new traceability and automated processes could potentially take market share from your business. This is a perfect time for fresh produce distributors to look at new ways to adopt innovative technology to help their businesses to survive and prosper.

Fruit Picking industry oranges food manufacturing distribution Acacia FMD

How can Acacia help your business?

There are many ways Acacia can assist with creating a new streamlined business model. Even with lower staffing levels, the volume of supply can be managed to keep your business viable and profitable. Small, simple and cost effective changes can bring your fresh produce manufacturing and distribution business back to life.

 Acacia can help your fresh produce business by focusing on:

  • Introducing automation to improve traceability, productivity and cost management
  • Analysing and developing improved processes
  • Implementing ERP systems with customised enhancements
  • Tailored IT systems to increase efficiency, productivity and overall operational output

Fresh produce manufacturers and distributors can also face difficulties with their current accounting systems not integrating with other systems. This could result in:

  • Compromised visibility
  • Lack of oversight of your business
  • Manually moving data from multiple platforms and databases
  • Possible data entry errors

At Acacia we are the industry leaders helping food manufacturers and distributors overcome issues, rebound and become more profitable. We help optimise, automate and improve the traceability of your business. We are MYOB Advanced Platinum Partners with over 30 years of experience in providing ERP, CRM and integrated solutions to businesses across Australia. We help businesses optimise, automate and improve the traceability. Acacia has the knowledge and experience across a range of businesses to provide the most cost-effective solution for your business.

If you are interested in talking through the advantages of moving to a cloud-based ERP, please contact us to find out more.