Get Paid More Often With ezyCollect

Accounts Receivable Made Easy For You And Your Customers

Where is there risk in your business ?

Now that a return to “normal trading conditions” is within sight, thoughts turn to resetting and setting your business up for success.


Have some of your clients and customers been a little slower than you might prefer with paying their invoices ?

It’s a fact of business that risk-proofing your cash flow is a major challenge.  Especially now in these uncertain and unprecedented times.

Indeed, risk management occupies the mind space of every CFO I speak with.

My understanding is that the CFO of the future is increasingly being seen as the strategic enabler in a business, going beyond the supportive role to a proactive one.

In order to take on this role they must make sure the house is in order and technology has been utilised to automate and provide the necessary data to analyse the future risks and opportunities that the business will face.

That’s why I wanted to share a solution with you that specifically addresses the risks inherent in Accounts Receivable, via automation.

ezyCollect software automates the accounts receivable process to surface credit risks and reduce late and default payments.  You get paid faster and more regularly….and your customers are happy too.

Get Paid Today So That You Can Fund Tomorrow

What I like about this powerful accounts receivable platform is the visibility it provides, including a late payments risk gauge for every customer with an ABN, an automated workflow of payment reminders and laser-like mapping and tracking of every debtor account.

The good news is that Acacia Consulting Services has recently partnered with ezyCollect to get you a great deal on this leading software.

But first, a little more about the solution:

Get Paid More Often

ezyCollect Risk-Management Features

ezyCollect surfaces customers that are a high-risk of making late payments, prioritises your follow-up actions, and gives you a workflow to act early to prevent invoices from ageing.


Saves Time

From invoice presentment to automated payment reminders to collecting money online, ezyCollect is saving businesses of your size 5-8 hours per day.  Your staff have more time to spend on high-value jobs.


Improves Cash Flow

Faster collection times immediately deliver more working capital.
I can send you a sample report of a company of $12m annual revenue that improved its collection time by 30% in the first 100 days, resulting in more than $476,00 extra working capital.


Integrates With Your Accounting Software

Intergrate ezyCollect with your existing accounting software.  MYOB Exo and Advanced are all supported by ezyCollect.


I’ve looked at the product and results in detail.  It’s truly a game changer for businesses in your industry.

The next step is to see a short 20 minute ezyCollect demo.  I will be more than happy to organise one for you !

If you would like to take a look sooner rather than later please let me know.

Duncan Howard

ph: +61 3 8560 5220


P.S.  Acacia Consulting Services can help you and your business !

Contact us for a confidential no obligation chat to explore the possibilities.

Please feel free to give us a call on ph +61 3 8560 5220  or  Contact Us .

We would love to hear from you !