To protect and grow your food and beverage business, you can take the following actions: 

  •  To remain competitive, companies are investing in digitalization and automation technologies.

 For example, automation and robotics can help food manufacturing businesses become more competitive by improving productivity, reducing water and energy consumption, and reducing equipment downtime. Sensors and predictive analytics can reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing processes by assessing water usage, energy consumption, and waste generation. 

At the same time, artificial intelligence and virtual reality can also speed up the product development process in the food industry. For instance, e-commerce has provided greater access to online shopping, allowing consumers to purchase products they might not be able to find in their local stores. For example, online wine retailer Vinomofo has proven successful with its e-commerce model. 

  • Adapting products to meet changing consumer demands.

Food and beverage businesses will have growth opportunities in the future to provide more products outside of alcoholic beverages, focusing on health, sustainability and plant-based/alternative proteins. These businesses should also consider sustainable packaging options. 

  • Business continuity planning is essential for any organization.

Given the current economic climate, Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL) advises food and beverage businesses to revisit their business continuity planning, including cash flow and liquidity planning. 

grow your food and beverage business

Acacia can help unlock your business potential

Acacia can help you investigate industry opportunities with smart working capital solutions. These flexible finance solutions are designed for the unique requirements of the food and beverage industry, giving you the power to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, and to overcome challenges too. We’ll work with you to help you reach your business goals by:

  • Strengthening your cash flow is an important tool for any business.

Our financial solutions provide access to up to 85% of the funds from your unpaid invoices within 24 hours, so you can get cash when you need it most. This means increased cash flow, more liquidity, and—ultimately—less risk for the entire supply chain. 

  • Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

To keep pace with changing consumer preferences, you need to be flexible. Having access to cash flow at the time of your invoiced sales allows you to respond quickly and invest in food and beverage industry-specific technology without entering uncharted financial territory. 

Fueling the food and beverage industry 

Acacia provides financing solutions for all types of businesses. Acacia can help you grow your food and beverage business by managing your cash flow, growing your business, and leveraging global and local opportunities. We have more than 30 years of experience helping food and beverage businesses overcome issues, rebound and become more profitable. We help optimise, automate and improve the traceability of your business. Acacia has the knowledge and experience across a range of businesses to provide the most cost-effective solution for your business. If you are interested in finding out how Acacia can help your business, please contact us to find out more.