JobKeeper and MYOB

We are getting lots of calls and enquiries about how to deal with JobKeeper payments in various versions of MYOB – MYOB Advanced, MYOB Exo, and MYOB AccountRight.

“What buttons do I click on ?”

“How do I account for JobKeeper inside MYOB ?”

There are several moving parts – and many unique rules applicable for you and your business that may differ from other businesses.  Please discuss your specific requirements with your Accountant and the ATO.

There is probably no need to remind you but…..Acacia is not a registered Tax Agent (so you should confirm this with your legal advisors), but we can provide you with the steps to assist you with JobKeeper.

However, Step 1 is to actually apply for the JobKeeper payments.  See our blog post $1500 JobKeeper Payments for further links and information.  Have you registered your business and your staff yet ?

Step 2 is to understand some of the “who/what/when/where/why” and some generic “how”.

This video by The Association of Payroll Specialists here in Australia provides an excellent overview in “plain speaking” language.

Step 3 is to choose the appropriate information and instructions for your particular flavor of MYOB.

MYOB Advanced – how to enter JobKeeper in MYOB Advanced.


MYOB Exo Employer Services Payroll – how to enter JobKeeper in MYOB Exo Employer Services.

We at Acacia Consulting Services are here to help you and your business weather this current storm.  Current and up to date information is crucial right now !

If you have any questions about current trading conditions, your business and its options, your software, or even if you want a friendly and familiar voice to chat with, please Contact Us or call us on ph +61 (3) 8560 5220  .