Client orders, suppliers’ orders, standing orders, “Just in Time” orders!

There are so many order types that businesses in the food services industry must contend with. When you started your business, you probably realised the importance of implementing accurate, efficient systems that could respond to rapid changes in orders and timing. But how do you ensure maximum efficiency if you rely on manual processes that are time-consuming and prone to human error?

Implementing and automating systems and processes in the early stages of starting a business can save headaches as you move into the growth phase.

Integrated Business Platforms

Relying on external spreadsheets, lists and manual intervention takes time and may result in errors in the ordering process. Businesses that adopt a systemic technology approach to ordering across the business have a smoother client experience, meet their demands efficiently and can control stock more effectively.

Standing Orders – Client Orders

Standing orders are orders that are consistently required by clients. These make up the majority of orders for food services businesses, so it is vital that you accurately manage your stock levels to meet expected demand.

When you optimise stock and replenishment systems and integrate this into your platform, wastage is kept to a minimum and output is maximised.

Just-in-Time Orders

These orders come in over and above the standing orders. This is tricky because sometimes you will have to cater for a contingency within the standing orders, but most times you have only catered for the standing orders.

Consistent “just in time” orders should be converted to standing orders and included in the platform.

Just-in-time orders are a good testing ground for the development of new products and the use of alternative ingredients.

Supplier Orders

Stock and replenishment requirements keep your business running. Having a tight process and integrated systems that automatically order the correct amount from suppliers is essential to maintaining business growth and meeting client requirements.

Where possible, supplier ordering should be automated and stock contingency developed as part of the process. To keep track of cash flow and ensure suppliers are paid accurately and promptly, the reporting associated with supplier ordering should be integrated with accounts payable. The reporting process will also provide useful data on usage and ingredient trends.

Acacia specialises in providing business process flows and automation to remove common hurdles such as double or triple handling. We understand the importance of thoroughly understanding your business and its processes, not only for today but also for your strategic goals and future needs.

If you are interested in finding out how Acacia can help your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to find out more.