How many times do you move stock around? How many parts of your despatching processes are repeated more than necessary? Many business owners probably think double handling only impacts stock levels or supply. Think again. Many other areas of your business that are affected by double handling. What are the real costs when it comes to double handling?

If you run a manufacturing or distribution business, there are many areas that can be effected by double handling or doubling up on duties. This ranges from unnecessary paperwork to staffing roles, marketing and sales processes, as well as finance processes. Additional steps in your workplace processes prolong order dispatches, which then impacts on customers, who are relying on your efficiency to meet deadlines. Minimising double handling can help businesses gain a stronger market share, but unfortunately some business owners still operate with old and outdated models. It might be time to sit down and take a look at your current processes, to figure out where you can trim down your processes and expenses.

What are some of the causes of double handling?

There are many factors that can cause double handling. When it comes to inventory management, some of the key factors include inadequate location data, followed up with inefficient processes. Taking the time to get your warehousing systems in order now, will benefit your business in the long term. Looking at your warehousing processes, might lead to the realisation that you lack space for the stock you have on hand. If your staff need to move pallets of stock to retrieve items stored at the back of the racking, there’s a chance that stock can be damaged by frequent movements, and their time could be better spent

Another factor can be poor communication between staff. As the old saying goes, the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? This can be the case if your staff aren’t communicating properly. It can lead to orders being duplicated, or missing items in the final dispatch. If your business is facing any of these problems, double-handling could be creating an inefficient workplace, leading to poor picking accuracy, late orders and loss of business.

Thankfully technology is rapidly changing the way that manufacturers and distributors manage the dispatching of products. It is now easier and cost effective to implement automated traceable systems, which save time, generate greater returns and create immediate improvements on the performance of businesses.

How can Acacia help?

At Acacia, we analyse your current situation, systems and processes. Our initial consultation begins with an onsite workshop, starting with an information session on cutting edge production practices that drive efficiencies and cost savings. After our initial consultation, we provide a high-level situation analysis, which includes:

  • A clear picture of your current situation, goals and challenges.
  • A high-level roadmap of your future position in terms of systems and processes.
  • A list of “low hanging fruit” and quick wins.
  • A plan of short and long-term actions needed to take to reach optimum performance.

At Acacia we are industry leaders in helping manufacturers and distributors overcome issues, rebound and become more profitable. We help optimise, automate and improve the traceability of your business. Find out how we helped wholesale distribution business, Windsor Wholesales Australasia.


At Acacia, we are MYOB Advanced Platinum Partners with over 30 years of experience in providing ERP, CRM and integrated solutions to businesses across Australia. Acacia has the knowledge and experience across a range of businesses to provide the most cost-effective solution for your business. If you are interested in talking through the advantages of moving to a cloud-based ERP, please contact us to find out more: