A major problem many product-based businesses face is managing last minute orders. Orders made after cut-off times can quickly affect the productivity and bottom line of any business. Last minute orders cause massive stress, create time management issues and put unnecessary pressure on staff. Tracking unscheduled, last minute orders takes valuable time – ascertaining what is needed and when it needs to be done by, can lead to issues with the visibility of available stock.

How does your business manage the visibility of stock movement?

Visibility of stock movement is one of the biggest issues that product-based businesses face. When customers place last minute orders, flow on issues include:

  • Staff required to work overtime
  • Rushed picking, leading to incorrect orders
  • Delivery issues
  • Impacting on standing orders
  • Insufficient stock levels for future orders
  • Creating out of stock issues
  • Additional paperwork
  • Accounting and invoicing changes
  • Additional labour costs and time wastage

These issues can also affect long standing existing customers deliveries which can lead to businesses losing market share by not being able to deliver the service levels required by customers.

How can Acacia help?

The good news is there are ways that businesses can minimise or eliminate these tracking issues. There are many cost effective, automated, traceable processing systems that can ensure that business share is not lost, but gained.

Automated and traceable systems help your business to:

  • Identify what stock levels need to be ordered immediately
  • Ensure double handling issues do not arise
  • Give the most efficient traffic route management to deliver last minute orders to your customers
  • Make changes in order processing, which allows for fast and efficient solutions to occur

At Acacia, we are here to help your business. We have the knowledge and experience across many business industries to provide the most cost-effective solution for your business.

If you would like more information on the ways your business could move to automated tracability of stock, please Contact Us or call +61 3 8560 5220.