MYOB Exo Employer Services is Retiring
Is your business ready for what comes next?![](
FAQs on the End of Life status for Exo Employer Services Payroll
Q: Why now?
A: MYOB Exo Employer Services Payroll utilises the FoxPro database, a product that is reaching the end of its shelf life. As we know, any database is only secure if it is still receiving updates against new threats and vulnerabilities. This means that continuing to use MYOB Exo Employer Services Payroll may leave your payroll data critically unsecure. To future proof your technology and business, MYOB has decided to retire MYOB Exo Employer Services Payroll – NOT MYOB Exo for Business.
Q: How long before MYOB Exo Employer Services is no longer supported?
A: This product will be supported until the end of November 2025.
Q: What does this mean for my business?
A: Modern businesses are swiftly moving to more secure, cloud-based payroll and business solutions. In that vein, migrating your existing payroll to MYOB Advanced Payroll offers a flexible, scalable and future-proof solution to help eliminate payroll complexity and ensure compliance.
Migrate early to a secure, cloud-based payroll solution with Acacia Consulting
Please contact Ryan Addison ( for more information.
Let’s discuss what options Acacia can offer for your business
MYOB Advanced: Powerful, scalable features to meet your every business need
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